Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Carpenter’s Mission (TCM)
Narrative Description

The Carpenter’s Mission, is a non-profit missionary organization with the purpose to be on mission for Jesus Christ in Zambia, Africa. It is our desire to increase the worship of our Lord and Savior and to make disciples around the world as He commands us as His followers to do. To this end we will partner with other believers in the USA and Zambia to lift up followers of Jesus and to introduce others to the good news of His Gospel in order to make new disciples. There are four main areas that will be integral to our ministry.

1.      Partnership
We firmly believe that the most effective way to accomplish this mission and carry out this ministry is to find synergies with others and partner with other believers to have an effective ministry of reaching the world. In the United States, our base of operation, we would like to provide people with opportunities to connect and serve in oversee missions through support, prayer and going. In Zambia, our plan is to partner with church leaders and believers to advance the Kingdom of God.

2.      Church Planting
A primary and productive way to advance the Kingdom of God is through church planting, and that will be one of our top tools in evangelizing. We will partner with Zambian Christians to plant local Bible-believing churches. The goal is to create and help local churches start new local communities of faith that are healthy and growing in Christ. We want to see them moving toward being: self-supporting, self-directing, self-reproducing.

3.      Develop Church Leadership
Healthy churches are only possible through the wisdom of God, being manifested in godly and knowledgeable leadership. It is the desire of TCM to teach the local leadership in Bible and knowledge of Jesus and how to lead His people. This teaching and training is with the purpose of coming along-side our brothers and sisters in Christ, to help meet their ministry knowledge needs as we learn from each other.

4.      Facilitate Discipleship
As the leadership grows, and as the church matures and expands, the members also need to grow in their knowledge of Jesus and the Bible and to learn more about their faith. To this end, discipleship training is needed for all Christians, and TCM wants to not only facilitate discipleship, train others to disciple, but imprint on the DNA of the local Christian, that they not only need to disciple, but be discipled so that they and all will grow in the faith and knowledge of Jesus.

In summary: The mission is to plant churches, grow leaders, and empower believers for the Glory of God. While this is the primary mission in Zambia; we expect there will be many ways to be salt and light through other evangelistic endeavors, mercy ministries and community development. In all things, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit will be at the center of what TCM is about and we believe in the ultimate authority of His Word.

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